Deep Learning IndabaX: AI in Ecology & Astrophysics

Kampala, Uganda - July 2024

The Hub co-organised the Deep Learning IndabaX event in Kampala, Uganda from 29 July to 2 August 2024. The workshop consisted of two parallel full day sessions on applications of AI in ecology and astrophysics. In the run up to this workshop, Hub members Dr John Ilee and Dr Richard Mann gave introductory talks to the IndabaX cohort on how machine learning and artificial intelligence methods are being applied to cutting edge research in both fields.

Introductory Sessions

For the introduction to astrophysics, John discussed the 'big data' nature of recent research. Particular examples included new observational facilities such as the Gaia space telescope, the Vera C. Rubin observatory, and the Square Kilometre Array will need to utilise ML novel analysis methods to work through the vast amounts of data that will be generated. For the introduction to ecology, Richard discussed recent research on the use of A.I. for tracking and understanding animal behaviour, and for automating ecological management tasks such as robotic shepherding of wild animals to protect crops and infrastructure.

Astrophysics & AI Workshop

The astrophysics & AI workshop involved talks and hands-on sessions from leading astronomers and astrophysicists across the world. In addition, hands-on workshops gave the participants chance to manipulate and analyse real astronomical data with both traditional methods and those involving machine learning.

Presentations & Speakers
Astronomy: The Past, Present, and Future & How AI Can Help Dr Abigail Frost (European Southern Observatory, Chile)
Machine Learning Classifications for Astronomical Radio Surveys Dr Kushatha Ntwaetsile (BIUST Bostwana)
Mapping Billions of Stars with GAIA and Other Space Telescopes Dr Miguel Vioque (European Southern Observatory, Germany)
Big Data Challenges in Millimetre Interferometry Dr James Miley (Universidad Santiago de Chile)

See our github page for access to the materials for the AI & Astrophysics hands-on sessions.

Ecology & AI Workshop

The ecology & AI workshop involved a diverse mix of senior researchers and students presenting their research in fields such as animal behaviour, image analysis, conservation and agriculture. In addition to round table Q&A sessions, there was also significant time devoted to networking and developing mentoring partnerships.

Presentations & Speakers
Opportunities for Machine Learning and AI in animal behaviour, conservation, and management Dr Andrew King (University of Swansea UK)
Pixels to Preservation: Leveraging AI for Low-Cost Camera Trap Technology Lorna Kawira Mugambi (Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Kenya)
Impact of background on the classification of Camera Trap Images Yuri Njathi (Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Kenya)
Probing the limits of human understanding on the behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans Dr Alfonso Perez-Escudero (Paul Sabatier University Toulouse France)
Wildlife Ecology in Africa: are ML and AI Maslow’s Hammer? Dr Mark Keith (University of Pretoria South Africa)
AI in Agriculture Dr Neema Mduma (Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology Tanzania)


Image Credit: Deep Learning IndabaX Uganda