Our objective is to establish and sustain partnerships between the University of Leeds and researchers and institutions in Africa with interests in all aspects of data science and artificial intelligence (AI). Using these connections our goal is to improve access to education, foster economic development, and address critical issues across the African continent.
Latest News
Networking at Nexus
The Hub recently ran a wide-ranging networking event at Nexus to discuss future opportunities and engage researchers interested in artificial intelligence from new areas across the University of Leeds. We are also pleased to welcome Dr Valentine Nlebedim to the leadership team of the Hub.
Leeds-Pretoria Partnership shortlisted for THE award
The strategic partnership between the Universities of Leeds and Pretoria has been shortlisted for the Times Higher Education 'International Collaboration of the Year' award. The Leeds-Africa Hub was highlighted as an example of a joint project enhancing research capabilities and empowering institutions in the Global South.
Deep Learning IndabaX: Kampala 2024
The Hub co-organised a workshop with Deep Learning IndabaX in Kampala, Uganda during the week of 29th July 2024. See here for more information and resources from the event.
The Leeds-Africa Hub at Africa Week 2024
The Hub took part in Africa Week 2024, which was hosted at the University of Leeds during the week of 20th May 2024. The theme was 'Open Africa, Open World', and series of talks, workshops and cultural events took place across campus.
An introduction to A.I. in ecology
Prof Richard Mann (School of Mathematics) spoke about how researchers in ecology have been using A.I. to tackle research problems with the Deep Learning IndabaX Uganda 2024 participants.
An introduction to A.I. in astrophysics
Dr John Ilee (School of Physics & Astronomy) recently joined participants signed for the Deep Learning IndabaX Uganda 2024 for an introductory talk to discuss upcoming challenges in astronomy & astrophysics, and why artificial intelligence will be needed to solve them.
Moon Palace at Ghanaian Independence Day 2024
The Hub was very pleased to be able to support the participation of East Leeds Project's Moon Palace in celebrations for Ghanaian Independence Day 2024 with the Ghanaian Society of Leeds. While the weather didn't quite co-operate for observations, just over 150 visitors learned about Africa's expanding role in space-focused science and engineering.
You can find some photos from the day on their Instagram page.